Manage production orders digital

Production orders - called „jobs“ in OmniFab - are managed by OmniFab Job Management.

The powerful module ensures that the jobs along with their nesting information are available at the right time at the right machine. Working papers are no longer required. All important information is available digitally in the job.

For effective job planning, you can filter and sort the jobs by urgency, material or other important attributes. Then you schedule the jobs on your machines manually - or even easier - automatically.

By defining shifts, you get a quick overview of the planned production time and the current shift utilization of each machine.

OmniFab Modules:

ERP Connect

Use the potential of your software systems along your value chain by connecting them.

Sales Quotes

Create your quotes fast and reliable. Save time and reduce errors in your order-related production.

Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS)

Precisely control production processes and react flexibly

Machine Insight

Real-time machine monitoring provides you with the status and data of each connected machine.

Material Flow

Connect material handling systems: loading / unloading stations, towers, material transportation devices, ...


Complete, up-to-date and reliable data for production control. Even on tablets or smartphones.


Automation, transparency & availability in production. Drives your digital transformation.

Further Options

OmniWin 2024

Design and Nesting for numerous Cutting Tasks


Best in Class Technology for Bevel Cutting


MesserSoft GmbH

Freie-Vogel-Str. 391
D-44269 Dortmund

+49 231 53469 0
+49 231 53469 199


Find out more about Product Automation Solutions and your Digital Workflow:  click here for further details and to visit our download area.