"How can I process jobs on the machine according to priority and report back deviations from the planning?"

"As a machine operator, I use the printed shop papers to get an overview of the parts to be produced. Information on processes, plates and production times can also be found in the working papers. I record the number of parts produced and the actual plate usage on the working paper. Then I give this information to production planning in the evening."

OmniFab Production Data Capture (PDC).

Always up-to-date digital job information.

OmniFab PDC provides your machine operators with all the necessary and, above all, the most up-to-date information on every job in digital form at the machine. Missing parts, deviations of the planned plate
usage, deviations from the planned residual plate geometry as well as other real-time feedback are recorded easily and intuitively via OmniFab PDC.
For optimal planning in the future, you can record and evaluate loading and unloading times.


+ Your digital working papers contain the latest information,
+ you receive feedback on production results including residual plate geometry,
+ your production planning receives direct feedback,
+ you record loading and unloading times.


MesserSoft GmbH

Freie-Vogel-Str. 391
D-44269 Dortmund

+49 231 53469 0
+49 231 53469 199


Find out more about Product Automation Solutions and your Digital Workflow:  click here for further details and to visit our download area.

Your path to digitalization:

Order Management

How do I save manual steps in order processing?

Work Preparation

How can I optimally nest my jobs to save material and time?

Production Planning

Is my production running as planned or are there problems?

Machine Operating

How can I process jobs on the machine according to priority and report back deviations from the planning?

Business Analysis

How high is the utilization of my machines and what are the reasons for a standstill?


We make your world a bit more productive

Your products for digitalization:

OmniWin 2023

Design and Nesting for numerous Cutting Tasks


Automation, Transparency and Automation in Production


Best-in-class Technology for Bevel Cutting